MYDENTALWIG Fully Patented & FDA Cleared! Less Invasive – Less Expensive – Totally Mobile – We Come To You



  1. I had a toxic reaction and was extremely sick, in and out of the hospital for months, before I figured out that too much cement toxins got into my bloodstream and was caught underneath my gums. I had oral surgery to remove the excess cement, but slowly, the implant eventually failed.
  2. I had a tooth extraction with a bone graft, and it seemed the bone inside my mouth grew, and it hurts like crazy. I’ve been told I need to see a neurologist, but honestly, I am not sure what is wrong… the jaw hurts, upper teeth hurt, and sometimes, my ears hurt. I have a temporary mouth guard because I grind my teeth at night. I need an implant, but my gums hurt so much, and I’m having so much temple and eye headaches, and specialists say I heal nicely, but I’m still in pain every day.
  3. I had a tooth pulled and bone graft last week. I had the stitches removed today. Is it normal for me to still be feeling a good bit of pressure, and a little pain at the site of the graft?
  4. I had a front tooth implant, next to the implant, they put fake front tooth and added a fake tooth. It’s one year now, and I am still having pain and gum problems on the front tooth next to implant sliding down.
  5. Hi! I have gone through the first process (the screw in my mouth) but it isn’t healing well, I have pain radiating from my ear to my jaw (some sinus problems too), as well as a headache and some swelling around the tooth area. I’ve taken antibiotics. Yet, no positive sign. Any suggestions? It’s been almost 4 weeks.

Can the hoarseness and sinus come from the gas for a prolonged period? I’m seeing a very qualified oral, maxillary surgeon.

  1. I have had the final stage of implants,

Teeth have been fitted.

I am struggling to eat as the alignment doesn’t feel right.

My tooth which is implanted is rubbing on my bottom tooth.

When I chew, my back teeth don’t touch.

What can I do? I feel the tooth is slightly too long.

Can it be shortened whilst it’s attached?

Any advice will be gratefully received.

  1. I had 3 implants placed almost 3 months ago in Mexico (which was a huge mistake. I am having a lot of pain from all 3 sites although, sometimes, they tend to rotate on which site is hurting more. They were placed so I could attach my lower dentures to the implants. I’m really worried there is something wrong because of the pain. It usually runs about a 5 or 6 out of ten and affects my ability to chew. They have not yet even been put to use. I can’t return to the dentist who did the implants for a follow-up. What should I do? What type of doctor/dentist should I try to see to get some help if that’s what you think should happen? Thank you.
  2. I have had my 3 implants at the front of my mouth since the year 2000, and I have been very pleased with them and have looked after them well. I did have a lot of bone loss initially (before the implants) as I lost my front teeth in 1973, so I had 27 years with initially a bridge and the dentures (Ugh). I now have an infection above my implants and am due for surgery in October. What are your thoughts on using Bovine bone to replace the lost bone (initially due to time and now infection)? I am on Antibiotics and mouthwash until Surgery. I would appreciate your thoughts as you talk a lot of sense.
  3. I have a front tooth implant, and I just had my crown placed about a week ago. I experienced pain through all of my top teeth like I’d had braces tightened. I figured this was due to perhaps some shifting of my teeth while my tooth was out. However, I now have quite a bit of pressure/pain in my hard palate where the implant is screwed into the bone. I am a professional singer, and it hurts every time I sing. My oral surgeon is taking a wait and see attitude. Is it normal to have pain in the palate after the crown has been placed?
  4. I had 6 upper frontal implants done. Horrible procedure although highly recommended and qualified dental surgeon. Teeth feel too tight. Even under sedation, I could hear discussion of “wrong size”. Lots of cracking noises as he tightened stuff. Post-surgery pain worst, but I tolerated it. However, all sorts of skeletal pain have emerged from skull to toe literally. Yawning, chewing, and swallowing everything difficult. Biting inner left cheek. Bottom teeth crushed during the procedure, so flossing is impossible. Huskiness, throat problems. I’m going back for first follow up. How should I open the discussion, what’s reasonable to expect?
  5. Just yesterday I had to have my lower molar implant removed because it failed. I have two endodontists attending to it (I began the process in one part of town and moved 40 min. out to another so needed another endodontist to complete the work.) Neither could find anything wrong and were surprised it had failed. In your experience, can an implant work after one has failed? I am worried that if I go through all this again, it may just fail. Have you found a high success rate after a failed implant?
  6. My implant-ologist in Costa Rica must have made my post too short because my crown will not stay on unless my dentist here in the USA shrinks the gum tissue first, and then it falls off again anyway. Is there a way to make it longer? I have no choice now but to just leave the cap off forever and live with the post.
  7. Hello, can you advise by any miracle? I had implants done on teeth 11 and 12 a year ago. The x-rays show implants to be good; however, with the crowns, I have this heavy cement like sensation continuously in my mouth. It feels like a block of rock is sitting in my jaw. They have been removed and remade numerous times and with the crowns, it always feels terrible. Thanks.
  8. My implant was losing bone, so my Doctor went in with ground bone with my own blood and built it up. But my gum did not heal across the implant. It produced an ulcer between the implant and the permanent tooth. Now on the inside of the mouth, which I refer to the back of the tooth the skin did not grow from the permanent tooth across the back of the implant to the other permanent tooth. Now on the back of the implant, the shaft of the implant is open to the elements. If cold or hot or air touches the shaft, it hurts a little like brain freeze when you drink something really cold.

My doctor said there would be another procedure. What should I expect?

  1. I have 3 implants and 1 false tooth where my 4 front teeth were. After 2 years of infections and rejections, I finally got my permanent teeth 3 months ago. A couple of days ago, I noticed what looks like an irritation on my gum above teeth 7 and 8. Is it possible to get an infection, and what will the course of action be? Going to my dentist tomorrow, curious what your thoughts are. Thank you.
  2. I have had an implant, and a temporary crown placed on my front left tooth at the end of August 2017.

The original tooth was root canaled over 10 years ago and was pulled a little over a year ago due to an abscessed tooth infection. I then had a bone graft, and an implant placed about 8 months later.

I am a clincher and a grinder. I believe I am pressing on the tooth in my sleep with my tongue and I do wear a night guard on my bottom teeth.

While having my teeth cleaned last week, the hygienist said there was a slight movement in the temporary tooth. I’m wondering if my bone will still fuse to the implant if there is movement. The surgeon said that it would take up to 6 months to happen, but I’m concerned that if there is movement now after 3 months, will it still fuse? I also wonder if there is anything to protect my front teeth from pressure.

  1. Thank you for the information. I have had two implant failures on my number 18. Both times the bone graft and post placement seemed to go just fine. But when the dentist was fitting the prosthetic tooth and tried to tighten the abutment, I experienced a quite a bit of pain. The surgeon wants to try again, but I am very reluctant. I am 68 and do not have any health issues that I know of that might compromise the implant. I am now considering having the post removed and just live without the tooth. I still have my wisdom teeth, and my teeth are in otherwise good health.
  2. Met with the surgeon. He said the root from #19 runs under #18. He said the problem is the post making contact with my bone and transferring pain to that root. What he wants to do is scrape away enough of my bone to allow for a bone graft to completely surround the new post. Hope that makes sense?
  3. On Friday morning, I received implants on top and bottom. 4 on top and 4 on bottom. The left side of my mouth is not hurting badly but the right side, mostly the bottom, is hurting very badly. Like when I had my real teeth and something was wrong with them. I’m wondering if this is normal, they did say I was difficult to numb. I’m sort of living off ibuprofen and Tylenol. It’s Saturday night; this could be normal, yes?
  4. I had a dental implant on tooth #9 almost two months ago. I recovered well for the first week, however, began developing tenderness and throbbing pain over the site. Over the next ten days, the discomfort became worse. The “flipper” seemed to put pressure on the site and exacerbate the pain as well. On f/u with the oral surgeon, he noted mucosal swelling and redness with marked focal tenderness. Antibiotics and chlorhexidine rinse were utilized. Unfortunately, despite complete compliance and excellent oral hygiene, the implant seems doomed! Although the swelling and redness have improved, there is marked tenderness along the anterior mucosal surface and putting on makeup, brushing teeth, any pressure, etc. will result in pain. Excessive talking, smiling, coughing, etc. can result in throbbing. A new device was made in order to alleviate the pressure applied by the initial flipper, which may have slightly pushed the implant cephalad. Even a six-day course of steroids was tried. Why will the tenderness and presumed implantitis not resolve? I desperately want to avoid explanting it. What can I do???
  5. I had one dental implant placed 9 days ago. I went back yesterday to get the stitches removed. I’ve been in a lot of pain, still taking painkillers day and night. The pain seems to start in my temple and radiate through my jaw joint, then go down around until my front lower teeth. My chin also went numb two days ago and is still numb. Dentist said there are no signs of infection and some people just take longer to heal, but this pain doesn’t seem right to me.
  6. I had an implant last June 2017, it passed the “stress test” in January 2018, and the surgeon gave me the ok to have the regular dentist add the tooth to the post. The regular dentist fitted the tooth and said everything looked fine. At the same time, he removed a deep old filling in tooth #14 which is right in front of the implant and ground it down, filled it and placed a temporary crown on it. The two teeth will receive the crown the same day. There was “normal” pain from having a tooth filled, but it was painful to bite down on the #14 tooth, and it lasted for more than a week. That is slowly subsiding, but for the past 6 nights, I have been awakened by pain going across my face under the cheekbone. The surgeon is out of the country for three weeks. I called the regular dentist, but he was a bit dismissive and told me to check with an endodontist for possible root canal of a tooth. I find it hard to believe it is a root canal causing pain across my face along the length of the cheekbone. Any advice?
  7. I had 2 implants the same day in July 2017. One of the implants was done immediately that tooth was extracted which was my left wisdom tooth. Since that time, I have been having tightness on the left side of my 4 frontal teeth and also on the gum below that teeth, skin on that jaw is affected too. I feel numb on my jaw and sometimes pain on the gum. The tooth is very sensitive when brushing. When I eat cold food, the coldness will penetrate from inside to outside of the affected side. The left side of my lip is affected. When I touch that side, I feel very cold and sensitive. Please, I need your help. Thanks.
  8. Hello! I had all my lower teeth pulled in preparation for a full denture with implants. My dentist was able to insert 3 implants to hold the denture. We are now 6 months later and inserting the final implants and fitting the denture. When the denture is “snapped” in it is VERY painful on 2 of the implants. Also, when one side of the denture is snapped in, the other side gets raised up and will not snap in. I now have had to stop using the plate and unscrew the anchors.
  9. I had all my lower teeth removed about 2 weeks ago. They then placed 2 implants in and gave me my temporary teeth until it heals. I have little to no pain, but I do feel a lot of pressure from the very front of my mouth. Is this normal?? I also feel one implant is higher than the other which is making my teeth not fit. I will follow up soon with my doctor, but until then, I don’t know anything.
  10.  I have received a bridge that connects to implants, I was told they just snap out to clean but why can’t I do this? They don’t come out, what should I do to get them out? Thank you, Nancy.
  11. I had an implant done on tooth #19 approximately10 years ago. A few years in, it developed a pocket, the periodontist opened a flap and cleaned it out. A few years after that, it developed again. The implant was removed. After much thought and a consult with another oral surgeon, I decided to have another implant placed. The second implant was done approximately two years ago; the crown was place approximately a year ago. Now, it has developed another pocket. My oral hygiene is good, and I use a water pick every day. I have another implant on the opposite tooth #30, which was the first one I had, and have never had a problem. #19 feels fine, and I haven’t had any problems. There was a bone graft done prior to both implants. There is only one thing different, I have mentioned this to the dentist, but it seems unimportant to him. When I use the water pick on this tooth, and only sometimes not all the time, the gum around the tooth feels “loose”. Sometimes, it just seems as though, I can feel the water go below the gum line. Otherwise, there is no pain, nothing else to indicate a problem. I have been instructed to irrigate with Perioguard and to return to have it checked in 3 weeks. If you could shed any light on this situation, what is causing it, and what could be done to “fix” it? I would be grateful.
  12. I am 69, very lean, and have four unhealthy looking teeth on the bottom front of my mouth. I wear a top plate. Hex of smoking, throat cancer, and bowel over 10 years ago. I smoke medicinal marijuana frequently and drink fairly heavy, most days of the week. I quit on occasion. I can eat steak, apples to carrots as my gums are low and tough. I had implants about five years ago in Mexico which all fell out. ( my late wife’s implants were a success ) I am considering getting dental implants in Thailand. I’ve heard they are known for good prices and have good success. Will I require a long stay?
  13. Thank you for this very informative website. In July 2017, I had an implant installed to replace tooth #13, which had been extracted over 10 years ago. I recall at the time there was some concern by the periodontist whether I had enough bone structure to hold the implant, but all went well. I’ve had no issues or big problems- just a slight discomfort when putting pressure on the tooth or drinking cold liquids. In Jan. 2018, I went for regular exam/cleaning, and after mentioning the discomfort, the dentist filed the implant down a little, which seemed to help. However, the real tooth directly next to the implant has significant gum recession, and he scheduled me to consult with the oral surgeon to discuss options. That was yesterday and what a mess! The oral surgeon took one look at the X-ray, never even peeked inside my mouth and declared I needed to see the periodontist who performed the implant, ASAP! (Then promptly went to lunch without explaining anything to me.) I now have an appointment with the original periodontist next week, but in the meantime, am worried something is really wrong and scared to death of a potential bone graft. Still, NO looseness of that tooth and just kind of a dull ache on the upper side of my face. (Sorry this post is so long!) What do YOU think?
  14. I had an implant done in #26, and it failed. There was an infection and severe bone loss in the area (the gum dips down between #24 and #27). I had that implant removed, then had a horizontal bone graft done, but the vertical bone loss was still there. I had a second bone graft done and a second implant (a narrow one) placed in that area. However, the vertical bone loss was still there. I had a second bone graft done and a second implant (a narrow one) placed in that area. However, the vertical bone loss there is still visible. Almost a year later, I haven’t had a crown placed, but the second implant that was done seems more exposed, and I noticed there is some micro mobility of the implant (forwards and backward). Does this mean the implant has failed?
  15. I have implants in top row front teeth (since 2006). Is it possible to have implants placed for permanent dentures for my remaining upper plate? I’ve seen 2 different dentists, one says yes, and the other one says no. Going to the third dentist for deciding the action, I hope.
  16. I have an implant on my front tooth, and all has been fine for 4 years until I got pregnant. Now in my third trimester, it bleeds a lot, the gum, mainly at night. My dentist today, advised me to go back. I have a very strict cleaning routine, and my dentist thinks there is a gap between the crown and the implant perhaps? That allows food to get in easily, so it doesn’t matter how vigorously I clean it, bacteria still gets in. I have made an appointment to go back to my Implantologist, but I’m feeling very distressed and wondered what the worst case scenario was. Will I lose the implant? I had an X-ray in April last year (just before I got pregnant) and the bone looked good. Thank you.
  17. I was in 10 out of 10 level pain for w months after having all of my teeth removed and getting full upper and lower sets of implants. They were in a bind when they were placed and set. The dentist used permanent glue to attach the teeth to the posts. Now, six years later and after losing 6 posts due to bone loss and infection, I am in terrible pain and found out via x-rays that all of the remaining implanted posts have bone loss and infection. Due to the permanent glue, the dentist has to cut the posts out through my gums and saw the post off where it is glued to the porcelain teeth. Isn’t there a better solution to getting these out of my bone and what happens next? What should I do?
  18. I had my initial implant surgery done in October. Yesterday, I had the abutment portion of the procedure Performed. Despite almost no pain or discomfort from the initial procedure, I am now in a considerable amount of Discomfort. The gums are really achy. I asked my dentist before leaving the office if there were any care instructions or foods to, avoid, but he said no. He is usually a very thorough dentist, so this confused me.

Do you have any advice? I have taken Tylenol, but it has not helped.

Thank you!

  1. I recently got implants on two front teeth and have had some gum issues on one implant. I went to my periodontist, had X-rays done, and they were fine. He recommended using a different toothbrush to really clean the gums, and a mouth rinse twice a day. It has since cleared up the redness and pain, however; now it seems that I have a tiny black spot on the top of the gum, it almost looks as though the abutment is starting to come thru. Can this happen due to brushing? If so, will that heal over? I did not have any issues with my gums healing during the implant process.
  2. Hello. I had an implant placed in my lower left jaw on Feb. 3 (it is now Feb. 15). I have not yet regained feeling in my chin and lower lip. My lip feels tight and cold while my jaw feels quite full.

I do not have as much swelling as I did the first week, but it feels like it is huge. My taste buds seem to be affected, although it could be my imagination. I am a college professor, and I talk all day; sometimes, my jaw becomes sore, other times, I struggle to say words correctly because of the numbness. The dentist said that it takes a while to get feeling back – up to a year. What? I had a 5-day checkup, and he said everything was fine, but he didn’t even look in my mouth. I feel like I’m rambling, but I’m really stressed out about this situation. Any information would be greatly appreciated.

  1. Seven months ago I had an infection in a molar, I took antibiotics and right after, the molar was removed, and a bone graft performed using cow bone. The graft was unsuccessful. The bone was lost 3 mm. to the sinus cavity. The site of the molar was very swollen and maybe infected; it took about 6 or 7 weeks to heal.

I am looking into doing an implant. The four upper molars of the left and right. The dentist wants to do them all at the same time. I am afraid that if I had problems healing from one extraction, what can happen when my body tries to heal four implants at the same time. Isn’t this a bit too dramatic? Should I do just two teeth at one time?

Please help, I am very stressed out.

  1. I just had one implant placed two weeks ago. It is one of the molars in the back of the upper jaw. The third one from the back. My original tooth was in a very bad shape, fractured root which caused bad infection involving even gums around. Before the implant, I was placed on amoxicillin for 7 days but did not respond much. CT scan was done, and my dentist told me that it was close to sinus, but he was planning to put some material or bone graft ( I don’t remember the name of it) to help my bone to grow. After performing surgery, and cleaning the area very well, he placed an implant and gave me amoxicillin to take for 7-day again. After leaving his office, I noticed that I have sinus drainage which was clear. I got an instruction not to blow my nose that I thought I followed. I did not have much pain during healing, and I felt that I did well. However, two weeks later after I stopped antibiotics, I noticed that I have yellowish secretions coming from my mouth. I feel that I have a post nasal drip that comes from the same area where my implant is. Every day the drainage increased. Today I went to my dentist; the implant doctor was not there. My dentist took pictures and told me that she would talk to the implant doctor. She noticed that my gums around that area (on the inside) are inflamed and gave me Clindamycin to take for 7 days as I’m allergic to Augmentin. Now is my question, I’m concerned that the implant went through my sinus and an infection is developing there now. What do you think, and what needs to be done in your opinion?
  2. I have a front partial dental bridge since 10 yrs. ago. On Oct. 2016, the corner of a flat sheet of plastic accidentally got under and the gum, in between the gum and the tooth with the bridge. Since then, I had complications on the gum. I went to the dentist that did the bridge a few weeks right after. He did a cleaning and gave me antibiotics, but the inflamed gum didn’t go away. I went to another dentist, did a cleaning too but had no success whatsoever to heal the gums. They thought it was a gingival inflammation. I went to another one and again was sent home with peridex mouthwash. I finally went to a periodontist. She did surgery to clear the infection, send me to an endodontist to check the root canal but didn’t find an issue with it. She said I was showing some bone loss at the beginning. I went with her, did the surgery and scraped excess cement. The gums started to heal for a little bit back in March 2017. But then, I felt that I reinjured it, and it went back to gum inflammation and the two real teeth next to the bridge where surgery was done are sensitive since the surgery. I went back in January and x-rays show I have bone loss and she said the whole bridge needs to come off, and the two teeth attached to it. Now, I have pain on the side of the nose and goes up to the bottom of the eye. It feels like an itching sensation on the side of the nose. The sensitivity on the real teeth is ongoing. Meanwhile, the periodontal Dr. a cosmetic dental Dr. And an orthodontist are teaming up to discuss my case. They’ve proposed a procedure where I’ll have the bridge and the teeth attached to it removed, let gums heal, then go for dental implants. But since I have a 9 mm. overbite, I consulted the orthodontist to correct the overbite, then get the implants done (if it’s possible). With your experience of practice, what would you do with my case? I need a second opinion; I’m so overwhelmed and heartbroken at the same time. It’s been trying to heal from more than a year now; I don’t want to keep on loosing or extracting teeth. I just want my dental health back. Since the bridge was done, I felt that my overbite got wIder, I have calluses next to the moles, on the gums. I have been chewing on that’s side since the bridge was put on. I have an accent too. I have no symmetrical mouth due to the wider gap on the side where the real sensitive teeth remain. Now, my gums on the bridge are aggravated and the pain on the one side of the nose. I’d like to address all these issues. Do I have more than one option? Thank you.
  3. I had the crown placed for my implant yesterday. It is shorter than the adjacent teeth which seem odd. Also, there is pressure on the teeth next to the crown causing those teeth to shift. As a result, I am unable to get floss between several teeth. Are these issues common? I called the dental office, and I was told the other teeth would become more in line with the implant because I have not been eating on that side. Again, that seems odd, and I have been eating some on that side. I would love some input regarding these questions. The tooth is in my upper right side third tooth from the back.
  4.  I had implants done in October 2017. All healed well. I went last week (February 2018) to have the crowns fitted. The dentist really screwed them in tight. The following day, I started to have throbbing on what felt like my lower teeth below the implants. No binding or pressure, so I thought it was a filling which had cracked. I went back to the dentist in pain, and she replaced the filling and told me it had been leaking. Still in a lot of pain which radiates from my ear and throat to my jaw. Sometimes it feels like the implants are sore, and sometimes I think it might be an abscess under the lower back teeth. Even now, it feels like I have a severe case of an earache. I am taking painkillers, but I cannot keep, on popping tablets and powders. Might it be an ear infection? Wish I could find out exactly what is causing my discomfort as the dentists cannot find the problem. They tap and blow cold air and give me cold water to drink and nothing. But the throbbing persists… Any suggestions?
  5. I had two implants done (April 2016) on my teeth no.9, and 8 and everything seemed OK. Around August that year, I started having pain on implant no. 8 and even lifting my lip or talking was painful, I saw several oral surgeons and all said everything seems OK and there is no bone loss and infection there. One oral surgeon agreed to cut that area to put some bone graft there (March 2017) and see if that helps. Surgery went well and no complication. After bone graft placement, the pain got 20% better, but this throbbing effect was added. If I lift my lip or if I rinse my mouth, it`s like electricity is running there and it lasts for 10-20 seconds, and then it comes down. I also have seen a pain specialist and was recommended Lyrican, but none helped. I know I shouldn’t have the second surgery (bone graft) and it just manipulated that area and made everything worse. What is your opinion on that?

I also had an epico done on my tooth no.10, and again everything seemed OK, and infection is gone, but the pain and discomfort got worse than before the surgery. Before the surgery, I only had burning sensation now it is pain and discomfort especially when I talk or eat. The pain settles down sometimes, but as soon as there is a slight hit to the teeth, the pain starts. What do you think caused the problem?

I have grinding problem and use custom-made night guard at night. All these problems started after I had a hit to the face and my front teeth.

  1.  I just had 2 crowns cemented today after the implant healing process. (Upper front teeth). One, they seem slightly shorter than my real teeth, and there are gaps between them. Will my gums grow or adjust around them? My dentist tried to convince me they looked perfect. Can they be adjusted to look like my teeth after being cemented?
  2. I’ve just had dental implants, and a bridge and the gum is really sore under the front teeth, what can I put on it to ease the pain?
  3. #30 and #31 are both implants. (Approximately 20 years for #30 and 12 years for #31) #31 is Straumann, #30 Branemark. Panoramic taken yesterday with no bone loss present or other radiolucency. Crowns are splinted together because of the interesting placement of #30. I’m not sure why there is a pain when chewing on #31. If the implant is broken, would this cause pain? Also, lower right lip and tongue are numb. Not sure what is happening with these implants. Any suggestions? Ibuprofen and Tylenol help the pain.
  4. I have been missing my front tooth (#10) for more than 10 years ever since I was a little kid. I am now 21 years old and considering a dental implant. There is a significant bone loss in the area where the tooth is missing. When I went to a dentist referred by my orthodontist, the doctor told me that I have to have bone grafting done before he can place an implant and that I have a 70 percent chance of successful result since I am young and have no other medical issues. He mentioned that even with the bone graft, there might not be enough bone remaining after healing. Not satisfied to hear such low chance of success rate, I went to another dentist for a second opinion, and he said that I do not need bone grafting and that he can place an implant at an angle right now so that he can place the implant where there is enough bone. However, I wasn’t sure if this procedure is common and safe for long-term, and started doing some research. I was wondering if what the second doctor told me is relatively safe in the long-run. Currently, I am not so sure which way is the best for me. Any advice or explanation will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
  5. Can a bad/dead tooth kill an implant that is next to it? My mom had 2 implants on her left bottom teeth for a bridge. 6 weeks after surgery, she complained that the front tooth next to the implant hurt and had gone to see her dentist and oral surgeon. She was given antibiotic and oral rinse. 2 weeks after, the implant next to the tooth started oozing and she was told that the bad tooth had killed the implant, and the implant was removed immediately. Now, the other implant toward the back is not looking too good either, can the bad front tooth effect both implants even the one far in the back?
  6. I had my dental implant on the front last April 2017, and it went perfectly fine. However, just recently, I noticed that it’s becoming loose, and it slightly moves whenever I close my mouth (my upper and lower teeth meet). I am planning to pay a visit to the dentist, but I would like to understand why it so happened even when I didn’t put pressure on the teeth when biting this whole time. Thanks.


Dentures are alternative to dental implants. However, dentures supported by implants can be just as problematic and costly as an actual implant. Because it is thin and weak at the point where it meets the implant, the denture can break in as little as a few months. There is also the issue of the immense discomfort experienced when the denture tips over the crest of the gum and lifts away from the palate in the back of the mouth. The hooks coming loose and losing their ability to snap in place any more complicates things even more.

A painless, long lasting and much less costly procedure, named My Dental Wig, is a far better option over dental implants.

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