MYDENTALWIG Fully Patented & FDA Cleared! Less Invasive – Less Expensive – Totally Mobile – We Come To You

by Lydie Livolsi 

LOS ANGELESFeb. 8, 2022 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — MYDENTALWIG is pleased to announce a revolutionary patent-pending dental product, the iDentalWig™.

Article paru en Anglais, paru chez le 25 Septembre 2020, ecrit par Jay Turo

The iDentalWig is a wearable dental device that looks and feels a lot like our Dental Wig alternative to dental implants but stands out by having the ability to monitor the human body.

The original Dentalwig is a patented, FDA-cleared painless system that replaces the tooth or teeth missing without having to go to the dentist. The device is comfortable to wear and will last a long time without having to get frequent replacements.

What’s unique about the new product is that it has a special sensor inside the device that monitors and collects data on the body’s processes. Namely, it collects information on brain activity, heart activity, blood, muscles, and whatever else needs to be monitored.

This information can be accessed by physicians and the individual wearing the iDentalWig through an app on a smartphone, tablet, and other support devices. The collected data can also then be sent to scientists and medical professionals to use it for their research.

The purpose of collecting data on the body’s activity is to better understand how the body works without pause

Current Machines

Of course, there are machines and technology that monitor the body. For example, heart failure monitoring devices are implanted into the pulmonary artery to detect changes in blood pressure, and from that information, a doctor can adjust treatment.

For the brain, there are EEG (electroencephalography) tests and MRI machines that measure brain functionality by detecting either changes in the blood flow or electrical activity. The problem with all of these examples is that they’re very expensive and/or are limited to a hospital setting.

There’s no at-home way to effectively and accurately monitor brain activity. Some treatments, like the heart monitor, require surgery which, of course, is expensive. Especially in the United States where the country is notorious for its extremely high medical costs.

With the iDentalWig™, we expect that the data collected by the device will lead to a much better understanding of the brain and how it works. And from that new knowledge, scientists and medical experts can hopefully create ways to prevent diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, heart failure, and more from occurring. In fact, we plan to develop this technology to the point where it can detect how inebriated a person is and warn them to not drive to save them a DUI.

How It Works

The way the iDentalWig™ works is similar to Apple Watches.

The Apple Watch has various apps on its platform that measure electrical signals from the heart and other parts of the body. From that information, for example, an Apple Watch owner can learn what is their heart’s sinus rhythm, which is to say, if the heart is beating in sync.

The Apple Watch can tell you if the heart is beating irregularly or if your heartbeat is too high or too low etc. However, the problem with wearable devices is that A) they’re expensive, B) they require frequent charging, and C) they’re not always the most accurate.

So, we at MyDentalWig asked ourselves why can’t we do something similar to the Apple Watch. In fact, we believe that we can do something better in the form of the iDentalWig to monitor body functionality.

The data is collected and then sent over to a cloud computing service where it is kept safe and can be easily accessed through the app. That way, you have accurate information about your body every day at any time.

The biggest obstacle to all this is the battery. How do we keep the iDentalWig up and running all the time? A rechargeable battery won’t work because the whole point is to have it on all the time so it can monitor the body. Taking it out every few hours to recharge goes against the design philosophy


And you certainly can’t have a wire coming out of your mouth providing power.

So, we decided to include a self-charging battery that turns mechanical energy into electricity.


On average, the human swallows between 1500 and 2000 times a day. The battery can harness the motion to provide energy to the iDentalWig. Other motions like chewing and talking will go to powering the device.

This New Dental Sensor System to Monitor the Body™ breakthrough technology has multiple applications. For example, it will enable drugs companies like Pfizer, Moderna, etc. to exponentially boost the efficiency of drugs, by allowing possibilities like customized/personalized medications/treatments.

We’ve even designed the iDentalWig to continue collecting data even after a person has passed so we can understand further what happens to the body after death.

About MyDentalWig

The idea of the iDentalWig was conceived when two distinct life events happened to founder Lydie Livolsi.

The first was when Lydie pursued a career in dentistry in France so she could learn how to make crowns, bridges, dentures, and other forms of tooth prosthetics. She had a particular passion for replacing teeth loss as her grandmother was afflicted by it.

The other inciting event was when she got the news that two people close to her had a stroke. Fortunately, the person survived, but Lydie started to wonder could there be a way to see signs that a stroke was coming way before one occurred.

After learning that it was possible to insert device inside denture, Lydie came up with her company, MyDentalWig, to help people across the world with missing teeth. There are numerous testimonials from people of all age groups on MyDentalWig’s website talking about their experience with their dental implants alternative™.

At this point, the patent is pending for the wearable iDentalWig with the price point yet to be determined and it also making MYDENTALWIG a complete “Tech company” like Apple. “The global wearable technology market size is expected to reach $195.57 billion usd by 2027 while exhibiting an astounding CAGR (compound annual growth rate) of 26.4%” and the dental industry in the US alone is projected to reach $160 billion usd by 2030.

If you’re interested in learning more about the company, and the iDentalWig™, please visit And if you want to invest, you can do so at PicMii Crowdfunding where you can pledge at least $100 into the project to get it off the ground, and Fundable for accredited investors only, plus learn more about the company and how it plans to grow.


Lydie Livolsi


4712 E. 2nd Street, #640, Long Beach, CA, 90803

(562) 279-5770


Media Contact

Lydie Livolsi, MYDENTALWIG INC., (562) 279-5770,


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